Egads! I've amassed a collection of UFOS!

I'm sure there are many of you who did a double take at that post...

You may be asking what I mean by UFO.... Well, in my case, it means UnFinished Object, and wow do I have a lot of them.  I currently have the following unfinished projects sitting in my basket right now:

2 Bernat CAL blankets
1 New blanket of my own design
2 sweaters
3 amigurumi animals

So what am I to do about all of these strange UFO's taking up all this space in my house?  Well, obviously, I want to finish them up, so how do I go about tackling this massive pile? 

First, I start out by prioritizing these projects.  First on my list are those two sweaters.  They need to be done and ready for Easter (yes I wrote this post before Easter and it is just now getting published-afterthought oops) as well as the girls getting their pictures taken for spring.  After that will be the commissioned Amigurumi animals,  then my designed blanket, as that is a birthday present for my daughter.    Last on my concern is the Bernat Blankets.  I know that I would like to have it done on their timeline, but I probably won't be able to. (Especially because I'm really not liking the end of this blanket....)

Next, I set a timeline for myself.  I gave myself a week for each the sweaters and animals, since just finishing work is left.  Then, I have a 2 week timeline also for the blanket for my daughter.  (because of her birthday)  Last, those Bernat blankets, I'll give myself two weeks after the rest of them will be done. 

Third, I'm going to break down those timelines.  How much is reasonable for me to expect of myself?  An hour a day?  Thirty minutes? 

By prioritizing and breaking things down, into smaller and smaller chunks, achieving the massive amount of work seems much more possible.

Do you have UFO's?  How many?  What are you doing to get them done?