So this week, the series is going to be devoted to Valentines Cards. You've got just over a month to get your craft on, and if you're like me, you're starting now! The cards should be the first thing you start on, so that you can get them finished and in the mail in times for valentines. I hope you enjoy what I've found! If you're a blogger and you've been "Scouted" be sure to grab a button at the bottom to put on your blog or post!
Whoa... you're telling me that I can make my own scratch off cards and tickets? I'm going to have to try this!!! Link includes a full tutorial on how to make the scratch off surface and card details. Find them on Better Homes and Gardens.
Scrumdilly-do brings us these awesome watercolor resist cards- I just think they're so beautiful! (And so easy for kids!)
How about bookmarks for your kids schoolmates rather than valentines? This might be perfect for my daughter since she's in kindergarten and they're all learning how to read. :) Where to find it? Martha Stewart, of course.
I love these little ladybug valentines, it's another one I'm considering for my daughter and I to make! Isn't it so cute? Go to one of my favorite blogs, Skip to my Lou, to find out more!

Now these are just too CUTE! I like the idea of making these for the teachers rather than the classmates (that might get a little pricy with all those tubes of rolos) I have a little cup full of conversation hearts to give to my daughters teacher, perhaps I'll make one of these and throw it in there too! Find this over at Simply J Studio.
I just love these little robots by Lisa Storms, they're just too cute! Each one is hiding a candy bar under its chest, which makes it even better!
Just sweet, and so simple! Find these Sucker Valentines over at the Coterie Blog!
Hope you all love this edition of Scouting Sunday!
If you're a blogger and you've been "Scouted" be sure to grab a button at the bottom to put on your blog or post!